Thursday, November 7, 2019


4 Asthma Natural Remedies I Didn’t Know I Was Using, Except For The Third One

I have suffered from asthma ever since I can remember. When I was around 10 years old, I was hospitalized twice in Arizona for severe asthma attacks. I remember having a vaporizer in my room and using my proventil inhaler on a regular basis. I even had to take steroid pills when my asthma got real bad. As I got older and more active in school, my asthma symptoms subsided, and the wheezing wasn’t as frequent. Now that I’m an adult, I still have asthma, it’s just not as severe as it used to be.

Over the years, I always knew that my active lifestyle played a role in alleviating my asthma symptoms for the most part. However, upon further research, mostly out of curiosity, I discovered that I may have been alleviating my asthma symptoms in other ways without even realizing it. With that being said, I decided to share what I have learned in the hopes that maybe I could help many others who suffer from asthma. So go ahead and read on. I hope you can benefit from some of these asthma natural remedies.

Coffee To Open Up Your Airways

I’m already a big coffee drinker, so learning that caffeine can help open up the airways made me really happy. I recently discovered that caffeine is very similar to a chemical called theophylline and theophylline is a bronchodilator that helps open up the lungs and the airways. Theophylline relieves symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. It can improve lung function for 3-4 hours. Theophylline is also used in asthma medications for respiratory disease.

Haven’t you ever noticed your airways opening up while sipping a hot steaming cup of coffee in the morning? Not only is the hot steam opening up your lungs, but the caffeine is also hard at work helping you to breathe much better. Oh! How I love that cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I look forward to it everyday.

Yoga Poses For Asthma

I’ve been taking yoga classes for the last two years, mostly for anxiety and stress. I never knew that some of the yoga poses I was doing was helping me breathe easier. Apparently, the slow breathing techniques and deep breaths help to calm my body, mind, and soul, but what I did not know was that when the mind and the body are calm, the lungs relax and breathing becomes much easier. This is great news considering that asthma is easily triggered by stress. I told my Phoenix yoga instructor about my asthma symptoms. She knew right away which poses were good for addressing respiratory issues. I was amazed because some of the poses were ones she was already teaching in her Phoenix yoga classes:

  • Camel pose
  • Cobra pose
  • Noose pose
  • Upward bow wheel pose

These particular poses force me to breathe deeper into my lungs while my respiratory tract opens up more. It’s no wonder that I hardly wheeze anymore at night. Yoga has always been my favorite form of physical exercise. I just love releasing all that stress and working on my respiratory system all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking or as some people like to say “killing two birds with one stone”.

Salt Inhalers To Help Alleviate Asthma Symptoms

Ok so I recently broke the ceramic salt inhaler I had. But that’s ok. My girlfriend bought me a replacement for my birthday. The one she bought me seems to work much better, but that may be from the fresh, new Himalayan salt inside of it. She bought me one that is made out of plastic. I had never seen one like this before. I actually like it much better because I know it won’t break like the last one did. Plus I feel more comfortable taking it with me on my camping trips. It’s great for that.

So I did some research on pink Himalayan salt and how it contributes to asthma relief. What I learned was that salt is anti-inflammatory and asthma is an inflammatory disease. Very interesting! Also, salt attracts moisture. Once inhaled, the microscopic salt particles settle onto your airways, attracting moisture. The moisture softens up all the nasty phlegm and mucus that’s inside your lungs. Once all this happens, it becomes much easier to cough up all that nasty stuff. Sorry for the gross visual there

What I can say about the salt inhalers I’ve been using is that they seem to prevent my asthma symptoms from occurring or getting real severe. I notice I don’t use my rescue inhaler as much when I am regularly using the salt inhaler for asthma. Regular use for me is about three to four times per day.

Garlic and Ginger For Asthma

I put garlic and ginger as one of the remedies I’m using for asthma relief because they are both ingredients we consume on a weekly basis. After doing some online research, I learned that garlic and ginger are both good for asthma and here’s why. Garlic and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties. This is good to know, since asthma is an inflammatory disease. Also, garlic and ginger are both natural antibiotics. This makes these two superfoods great for consuming when you feel a nasty cold coming on.

The garlic we use is always organic. My girlfriend usually boils about four cloves when making a big pot of soup or she’ll dice them up for those delicious pasta dishes. When it comes to ginger, I like to put fresh slices in my steaming cup of tea. For Thanksgiving this year, I am making baked gingerbread mini donuts. Yes, with real ginger slices! I also like to make my favorite pineapple ginger mojitos. They are so delicious and great for sipping on a lazy Sunday. Ginger is real good for clearing excess mucus in the passageways that lead to the lungs.

These Natural Remedies May Or May Not Work For You

These alternative treatments are what have helped me to alleviate my asthma symptoms. I am not a doctor. I do not claim that any of these alternative remedies will work for you. I am simply writing about my results from using these natural remedies. Asthma symptoms will vary with each person suffering from asthma. What may work for one asthma sufferer, may not work for another person suffering from asthma. This article is not a claim for any type of cure, nor is it given as medical advice for any of your symptoms. It is best that you do your own research and consult with your doctor to determine what treatments and remedies may or may not work for you.

Visit here to learn more about many other asthma natural remedies.


4 Asthma Natural Remedies I Didn’t Know I Was Using, Except For The Third One I have suffered from asthma ever since I can remember. Wh...